Champions of RCS

Be a volunteer

If you have a passion for helping disadvantaged families, children and the community work, we want you! Volunteer with RCS to support our efforts in helping our low-income families, children and community outreach work. Here at RCS, we seek to provide an enriching volunteering experience for our volunteers. Volunteers will also be equipped for with customised trainings and guidance to better serve and support the beneficiaries they work with.

Volunteer Now

volunteering opportunities

What our volunteers say

My hope is that families can be supported and helped in their difficult circumstances and eventually strengthened to be families that can in turn be a blessing to those around them.


As I work with families in RCS, it is my hope that each family will have the resources and skills they need to thrive and reach their full potential. We work towards every family unit being a safe place and a strong foundation where the members of the household can find respite and support from as they go through transitions and struggles.


Do Your part

We would love to connect with you and chat more regarding areas you can play a part in.